StairRunners.US -- Stair Runners, Rugs, Carpets

Installing Stair Runners

DIY Stair Runner Installation Tutorial

The easiest way to install a stair runner on your stairway is to directly staple it onto your stairs and use stair rods to further secure the runner. The rods also serve a double purpose of making the final output look neater.

You will be needing the following tools: Tape Measure, A Pencil, A Staple Gun, A Screwdriver (An electric one saves time), and a Utility Knife.

Step 1. Mark intended position of runner on stairs with a pencil.

Step 2. Cut underlay if applicable to 10cm less than the width of runner and fix to tread only with a staple gun. Leave a one inch small gap at the back of the tread which will be where the staples will go.

Step 3. Fix short end of runner including the border under the lip of the landing using staples.

Step 4. Pull tight and fix next set of staples at 1inch intervals at the junction of the tread and riser.

Step 5. Continue this process until you reach the bottom.

Step 6. At the bottom, finish at floor level. Cut 1cm long turn and staple.

Step 7. If stair rods are being used, place a stair rod on each step, where the tread meets the riser. Screw in using enclosed 4 screws.

Step 8. Stand back and admire your work!

Remember, you can always ask for our professional advice on how to fit your stair runners as well, especially if you have curved/spiral staircases / stairways.

Caution: Always thoroughly check all your fixings are sound before walking on the runner in the interest of safety.